The Deadliest Road Violations in Utah

road accident

Road accidents happen due to unforeseen circumstances, but more often than not, they’re a result of someone’s blunder.

There are plenty of laws, regulations, policies, codes and written and unwritten rules to prevent road accidents, and violating any of these can be deadly.

According to the Utah Driver Handbook, these are the leading causes of death in the Beehive State.

Speeding (37%)

Going past the speed limit is not only illegal, but it is also incredibly dangerous and an extremely common cause of death. No matter the weather, driving too fast puts you and other people on the road in harm’s way. There is no destination that is worth risking anyone’s safety for.

To avoid speeding, be aware of the speed limits in every area. According to the Utah Driver Handbook, you must maintain a speed of 20 mph when passing a school building or grounds, particularly during recess or as the students are going to or leaving the school. Your speed has to be at 25 mph in business and residential areas. The limits on major highways tend to vary, but they are usually around 55 mph. Rural and interstate highways have speed limits of 65, 75 or 80 mph, although they vary, so you need to be attentive.

You need to slow down when you approach or cross an intersection or railroad crossing, when approaching the top of a hill, and in any highway work zone.

Keep in mind that driving too slowly makes you a hazard to other drivers, as well. When conditions allow, it might be best that you drive the speed limit or stay close to it.

Unrestrained car occupants (31%)

It should not take a car accident injury lawyer to tell you to wear your seatbelt. The law states that you have to wear your seatbelt whether you are the driver or a passenger. Seatbelts keep you in place if you get involved in a crash, and they save lives. Before driving off, buckle your seatbelt and make sure that everyone else does the same.

Drunk driving (13%)

Never drink and drive, even if you feel sober. Most people think this only applies to the driver, but the same goes for passengers, too. Never get in a car with a person who has been drinking, even if they seem sober. There are many other options nowadays if you cannot drive, you can call a taxi or book a ride through a smarphone app.

Failing to keep in proper lane (11%)

Driving in the curve

It may seem like a simple concept, but many experienced drivers still fail to stay in proper lanes. The Utah Driver Handbook explains several rules and guidelines regarding the proper usage of lanes.

When making a turn, you have to signal at least 100 feet before the turn and check your left and right sides before turning. Do not swing wide or cut corners, and stay in your lane when turning.

When changing lanes, you need to check even the blind spots you cannot see using mirrors. Aside from glancing at your rearview mirrors, you also need to actually look over your shoulder towards the direction you plan to head to. Always drive defensively and make sure that the lane change does not harm you or other people on the road. Maintain your speed as you change lanes, and pass cars only in a passing zone.

Not yielding the right of way (11%)

When you are hurrying to get somewhere, you may tend to rush and quickly make a turn. If there is even the tiniest chance that you might not make it, wait. Instead of rushing right into an accident, it is worth it to wait a few seconds to turn while yielding.

Road accidents are harrowing. Even minor ones can take up a lot of your time and resources. Whether you are driving in Utah or anywhere else, always drive safely and defensively to avoid becoming another fodder for these statistics.

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