Parenting 101: How to Survive Virtual Learning


The coronavirus outbreak has completely transformed human lives. Millions of workers across the globe were ordered to work from home, while schools were forced to close to limit the spread of the virus. According to recent statistics, in the United States alone, around 50,000 K-12 schools and more than 3,200 colleges and universities have been closed since March of this year. Such widespread school closures have put over 50 million students on distance learning in the U.S. alone.

Education experts predict that even after the pandemic subsides, most schools will likely adopt remote learning moving forward. Distance learning will become the new norm as parents remain fearful to send their children back to school.

However, such a setup poses a challenge to both the students and their parents. Some students will thrive in homeschooling, while others will struggle. Some parents will find this new setup beneficial and practical, while others will find it extremely challenging. Such difficulties affect working parents and single moms or dads who have sole legal custody of their children.

Fortunately, there are simple ways that you can do to combat virtual learning difficulties, as well as help your child thrive in distance learning:

1. Create a space dedicated to your child’s online classes.

In the midst of homeschooling, it is your responsibility as a parent to create a conducive environment for your child’s learning. Establish a dedicated area at your home for your child’s online classes. This area should be separate from where they usually play games, watch television, or other recreation forms. Having an exclusive space for home education allows your child to focus more and perform better in school.

2. Establish a routine with your kids.

Experts say that creating a schedule that mimics regular, pre-pandemic school days can help students be more attentive and receptive during online classes. This includes waking them up at the same time every day, getting them properly dressed, and having them eat a hearty breakfast before virtual classes start. Establishing a schedule dedicated to homework after school can also help your child finish school tasks on time.

3. Limit your child’s digital screen-time.

playing together

As classes have gone online, you might find your child stuck on their computer screens and educational tablets all day long. Make sure that your children take frequent breaks from the screen and encourage physical activity. Prolonged exposure to blue rays emitted by computer screens and mobile devices can lead to vision complications in the long run.

4. Check in with their teachers.

Having regular communication with your child’s teacher or advisor is extremely vital in homeschooling. Ask the teachers if your child is experiencing any difficulties during online classes and how you can help your child thrive in virtual learning.

5. Don’t forget to have fun with your kids.

Adopting distance learning is extremely challenging for both parents and children, more so in the middle of a global pandemic. While excelling in class is a top priority for students, make sure that your kids still have the time to play and unwind.

It’s quite rare for parents to spend this much time with their kids at home, so try to make the most out of it.

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