Make Your Bathroom More Sanitary in 5 Steps

modern bathroom

Keeping a bathroom clean and sanitary is the best way to avoid harmful microorganisms from ending up on your face, body, belongings, or worse, your food. Therefore, if you want your bathroom to be clean beyond the surface level, here are some tips for you:

1. Upgrade to a bidet

A bidet sprayer has tons of hygienic benefits. For starters, it removes waste residue from your skin better than toilet paper or baby wipes can, leaving you cleaner than when using paper products to clean yourself. Some bidets even eliminate the need for you to touch yourself while cleaning, which is significantly more hygienic than other means of wiping.

Moreover, a bidet is more environmentally-friendly, eliminating the need for 100 rolls of toilet paper every year for each person, on average.

2. Clean drains

Drains get quite nasty if they aren’t cleaned at least once in a while. Soap scum, dead skin, and mildew are just some of the things that may be lurking inside your drains if you leave it dirty for too long. To avoid the nasty buildup, pour a commercial cleaner or a baking soda and vinegar down the drain at least once a month. Aside from clearing gunk, you’re also taking a proactive step to prevent clogs.

3. Sanitize everything you touch

cleaning materials

Even if you wash your hands after each trip to the bathroom, you can’t be sure that you’re not leaving any germs on light switches, handles, toilet flushes, and doorknobs. Moreover, not everyone is entering and exiting the bathroom with clean hands.

Avoid catching germ-causing illnesses from these touchpoints by sanitizing them with disinfecting wipes, sprays, or a homemade disinfectant. Do this at least once a day before going to sleep, especially if you have household members with compromised immunities.

4. Get rid of excess moisture

Too much moisture in a bathroom can lead to mildew and mold buildup, which is a major health risk in and of itself. Avoid excess moisture from accumulating in your bathroom by popping a window open while taking a shower, turning on the exhaust fan, wiping down surfaces when they are too wet. If you have a shower curtain, make sure to stretch it out after taking a shower so it dries completely. And if you take baths often, take the time to wipe down the tub with a clean rag, especially around the corners.

5. Disinfect toilets

Every time you use the toilet and flush it, the splash of the water spreads around bacteria by a considerable amount. If you flush with the lid open, the splash can also end up on everything near the toilet, such as toilet paper, soap, hairbrushes, and everything else within the immediate space. To avoid splashing bacteria everywhere, flush the toilet with the lid closed. More importantly, disinfect the toilet and its surroundings with commercial cleaners or bleach.

Your bathroom may be dirtier than you think, even if it looks spotless to the naked eye. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize the spread of germs in your bathroom. Follow these tips to make your bathroom a safer place.

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