Local Businesses Thriving in The Mile High City

make your local business thrive

Denver is booming with local businesses. As one of the fastest-growing cities in the US, many other cities can learn a thing or two on how to support the local business owners and artisans in establishing their brands.

Perhaps, it’s no surprise that a laidback city will have its list of cool and exciting brands. Artisans are living in an environment where practicing their craft is highly encouraged. Businessowners, in which a huge percentage are women, are being taken care of by the existing laws. The locality is appreciative and proud of what they can consider as “Denver’s Best”. Its residents are highly supportive of local businesses by patronizing their own. Because of these reasons, the local artisanal products continue to be in their topnotch quality.

It’s not unheard of for local businesses in Denver to utilize SEO machinery and other progressive ways to market themselves. It is important to introduce one’s business to let the community and its visitors know that such a brand exists and to garner support. Nowadays, doing so is easy—thanks to technology. The world has gotten more connected because of the internet.

On top of SEO campaigns, here are some additional ways to market your brand:

Create an eye-catching physical store

Because of social media, people are more visual. If the service you provide has a physical store, make sure that it will garner the community’s attention. Have a space where people can take photos. If possible, make all corners of your store or kiosk Instagram-worthy. Doing so doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive. Sometimes, simple wall art can do the job. It’s not new to have your friends ask you where the photo was taken when you post it online. It’s a marketing strategy that serves both aesthetic and function.

Host contests and provide giveaways

One way for people to try the service or product you offer is to provide giveaways. You can do this by hosting contests that will be beneficial for your brand. However, choose the contest and prizes that will empower the community. Try not to take advantage of the community’s trust. For instance, if you’re a shirt brand, do not ask for a free shirt design with a free shirt as the prize. Remember: a great local brand uplifts its community.

Connect with the community

connect with the community

Most people are on social media now. One way to create traction is by being visible on social media. Let your brand be featured in a Denver-centered site or group. As someone who’s a member of the community, you know the language that Denverites speak. Take this opportunity to connect with your community. Create online content in which people of Denver can empathize with— be it in a humorous or sentimental way. You can start by posing a question in your content that revolves around nostalgia. A shared experience is a sure way to engage the community regardless of which generation they are from.

Perhaps, the progress of local businesses comes as no surprise. With the many cultures that make up the city, you can expect that its pool of brands will be as diverse. The need to find exciting ways to bring the local flavor into the city’s retail, food, and services is never-ending. And true to its name, you can expect nothing less from The Mile High City. There’s no other way to go but up.

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