Elderly Care: What to Look for in a Nursing Home

elder assisted by a caregiver
  • Consider the nursing home’s location when selecting one for elderly care, as this can decrease travel time and the cost associated with visiting your loved ones.
  • Look into the facility’s credibility and reputation, including customer reviews, costs, awards won, and amenities offered.
  • Ensure that the staff is well-trained and experienced in providing elderly care and has excellent communication skills.
  • Make sure there is 24-hour access to medical professionals who can respond quickly in emergencies.

When it comes to elderly care, it is essential to ensure that aging parents and family members get the proper care and supervision they need. Unfortunately, as you age, your body starts to fail. You become more prone to falls, injuries, and health issues that require extra attention. To adequately address and manage these issues, you must have extra help and support.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than one-fourth of adults over the age of 65 falls each year. This is a startling statistic, especially since falls are the leading cause of injury deaths among elderly individuals. Without proper care and supervision, this number could be even higher.

In addition to physical safety risks associated with aging, there is also an increased risk of mental decline or dementia due to age-related conditions such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that 5 million Americans live with Alzheimer’s disease. Furthermore, studies have shown that approximately 1 in 3 seniors die with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia. This number is expected to increase significantly as the population ages, along with medical advancements in diagnosing diseases like dementia earlier in adulthood.

Unfortunately, you might not have enough time to provide adequate care and supervision for your elderly family member. In these cases, you should consider looking into nursing homes. It is essential to select the right nursing home that meets all of your needs and expectations. When choosing a nursing home, you should consider several important factors.

Location Preference

When it comes to elderly care for your parents, one of the most important considerations is to look for a nursing home close to you. This will make it easier for family and friends to visit and help you and provide comfort and security in knowing your parents are near.

It is also important to consider distance when deciding between nursing homes. Traveling long distances can significantly drain seniors since they may suffer from mobility issues or require special transportation services. A nearby nursing home can dramatically reduce the travel time and cost associated with visiting your loved ones and ensure they have access to the highest quality care.

Furthermore, there will likely come a time when you need to be able to access medical care for your parent in an emergency quickly. If the facility you select is too far away, this could result in significant delays in treatment or, even worse, death. Having a nearby nursing home can help minimize these risks.

Finally, selecting a local nursing home can also allow you to quickly build relationships with other staff members and residents of the facility, which can aid in providing quality care for your parent or loved one. It’s always nice to have familiar faces who understand aging challenges better than those distant from the facility.

Credibility and Reputation

Nursing home with amazing amenities

When selecting a nursing home, you should consider the facility’s reputation and credibility. The nursing home should be certified by state and federal agencies. This will ensure that they are up to date on all of the necessary licensing regulations and have met all standards set forth by these bodies. It is also essential to make sure that the staff is trained in providing elderly care, as well as medical attention if needed.

Here are also a few factors to consider when checking for a nursing home’s credibility:

Customer review

Customers often provide reliable and honest reviews about their experiences with nursing homes. Trends in customer reviews can be an excellent indicator of the facility’s quality of service.


Cost is also an essential factor when selecting a nursing home. The costs associated with different facilities will vary, so comparing prices and services offered between multiple locations is necessary before deciding. Also, you should look into if there are any hidden fees or additional charges that may not be included in the base price of care.

Awards won

Many nursing homes have received awards and recognition for their services. This indicates that the facility is reputable and provides quality care to its elderly residents.


Finally, it would be best to consider what amenities the nursing home offers for elderly care and comfort. This includes recreational activities, cuisine options, medical staff availability, transportation options, etc.

Of course, it is necessary to stay prepared. Your elderly parents might get neglected in the facility, making it essential to hire a reliable nursing home abuse attorney to protect their rights.

Healthcare Staff

Doctor and nurse with elderly patients

When selecting a nursing home, it is also essential to consider the type of healthcare staff that will take care of your parent or family member. The team should be well-trained and experienced in providing elderly care. They should also have excellent communication skills and be able to respond appropriately to medical needs as they arise.

The facility should also provide 24-hour access to medical professionals who can respond quickly in emergencies. This will help ensure your loved one gets the best possible care.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, when choosing a nursing home for elderly care, it is essential to consider several factors such as location preference, credibility and reputation, cost, awards won, amenities offered, and the healthcare staff on site. With proper research and due diligence, you can ensure your parent or family member will be taken care of in the best possible way.

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