6 Sure-Fire Ways to Make Good Money as a Skilled Artist Online

person creating a brand logo

Much has been said about the arts not being a lucrative discipline. But the sentiment comments more about art’s accessibility than its relevance. That’s why artists can barely say the same in this age of technology, where everything is more connected than ever.

If you likewise consider yourself an artist but have been struggling to churn money out of it, then maybe you just need to look for more tech-savvy solutions to making ends meet. Here are some suggestions on how you can create a relevant career out of your creativity:

Start an online printing business

If you have a creative mind and steady hands to boot, try your luck in making printed souvenirs. If it’s your first time engaging in a screen printing and embroidery business, it’s best to contact industry experts. They can get your small venture off the ground with guidance on hardware operation, licensing, and distribution — everything you’ll need to run an online printing business. This way, you’ll only have to worry about creating print designs.

Sell your creations online

If you don’t have the space to accommodate huge hardware, then leverage your digital space, instead. How? It depends on your artistic skills.

If you dabble on graphic design or any digital art, you can sign up for a business account on Instagram and sell your creations there. You can also have the design printed on various media and sell it on online marketplaces.

If you’re a skilled photographer, you can sell your licensed shots through dozens of stock agencies like Getty Images that can pay you a steady rate.

Teach creative courses

You’d be surprised by the sheer number of people who would want to cultivate their sense of creativity. If you want to contribute to their cause, you can launch your digital courses online. You can hold writing workshops, teach people how to play an instrument, or start a baking tutorial channel.

YouTube is the go-to platform for this, but any video-streaming platform can work. Of course, this entails equipping yourself with and mastering the necessary technology, such as a high-resolution camera, an audio and video editing software, and possibly even a green screen for effects.

Be an internet influencer

If you’re tech-savvy and personable enough, why not go all the way and become a social media influencer? To capitalize on this, you have to create a dedicated social media persona who posts and promotes their art online and earn enough subscribers and followers to qualify for posting sponsored content.

This is especially helpful if you’re a creative blogger or a singer. You mention a brand aligned with your advocacy on your blog or post clips as part of a business’ marketing campaign, and you may get ample monetary compensation in return.

Launch a freelancing career

freelance career concept

A more straightforward solution to monetizing your creativity is to register to freelance sites online. You don’t need to be an expert artist to do this. Even amateur freelancers can make money off doing tasks required by business anywhere in the world.

For example, if you’re trying your hand in shooting films, you can volunteer your skills to create a brand awareness video for a company. If you’re a creative writer, you can contribute blog posts to online publications. Just find your niche online, and you’re secured.

There’s a whole world of possibilities online to leverage your artistic acumen. It’s also worth noting that more and more art grants and competitions are being held online you can capitalize on. The key is to stay determined and don’t doubt yourself. Keep searching!

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